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Sandra Brodén

Zinzino Independent Partner

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Health • 20 December 2022 • 4 min

Zinzino products registered by The Vegan Society

By Zinzino

The Vegan Society was founded in 1944 as a body that advocated a vegan diet and lifestyle. And, while you might find it surprising, the vegan diet has been around for centuries – with evidence dating back over 2,000 years.

What’s a vegan, today? What are vegan products? Modern veganism is what our society is familiar with. 75 years on, The Vegan Society is a combination of staff, ambassadors, council of trustees, and partners. For the general public, it’s not always easy to differentiate between vegan and non-vegan goods. This is where The Vegan Society definition comes in. It’s why the society launched the Vegan Trademark.

The vegan symbol on food and products is used across the world as an ethical marker of the products that are free from animal ingredients and testing. The Vegan Society promotes these products in their initiatives, from trade shows and events to apps and resources. They also have strict vegan labeling requirements for using the trademark.

Zinzino proudly provides a number of products registered with The Vegan Society. With our test-based products within the new science of pharmacronutrition, we leverage active ingredients from all-natural food to fight the imbalance in our modern lifestyle.

Our vision? To inspire change in life! We empower people to take control of their health to improve their lives. We do this through a family of breakthrough products.

Zinzino products registered by The Vegan Society

The following Zinzino products can be found in The Vegan Society’s registered products list:

  • BalanceOil+ Vegan
  • BalanceOil+ Vegan Lemon
  • Skin Serum
  • Protect+
  • Viva+
  • Xtend+
  • ZinoBiotic+


BalanceOil+ Vegan

BalanceOil+ Vegan is a great place to start as it can supplement missed essential nutrients in your diet, such as Omega-3’s and Vitamin D. It’s vegan, keto-friendly, no-GMO, and only uses natural ingredients. The product exists as a natural flavored version and with a lemon flavor.

The ingredients are a unique blend of micro-algae oil that’s high in Omega-3’s, such as EPA, DHA and DPA, plus pre-harvest olive oil, echium seed oil, and vegan Vitamin D3. The blend is high in antioxidants (tocopherol-rich extract).

BalanceOil+ Vegan is pure, free of toxins, and is a great bio-alternative to traditional fish oils.

BalanceOil+ Vegan is also an extremely important product for those on the plant-based lifestyle; i.e. a diet that may be low in Omega-3’s and Vitamin D. This also makes it difficult to balance the Omega-6:3 ratio, which is critical for a wide range of normal health functions.

BalanceOil+ Vegan makes it easy to supplement the low Omega-3 intake, safely adjusting the ratio to balance the body. The supplement features 18 EFSA-approved health claims and is beneficial for the normal functioning of your heart1, brain2, and immune system3


ZinoBiotic+ is a blend of five natural dietary fibers, including resistant starch from whole grains, beta glucans from oats, and psyllium husk powder. This gut health product stimulates the growth of good bacteria in the colon, ‘feeding’ them so that they can flourish and support the myriad of important functions in the body – from educating the immune system, to balancing cholesterol4 and blood sugar5.

Discover our all-natural, vegan food supplements

Protect+, Xtend+ and Viva+ are all-natural food supplements.

Protect+ contains clinically proven 1-3, 1-6 beta glucans sourced from baker’s yeast, vegan Vitamin C from acerola berries, and vegan Vitamin D3  derived from lichen.

Xtend+ supports your innate immune system. It contains micro- and phytonutrients, including 22 essential vitamins and minerals, as well as purified 1-3, 1-6 beta glucans derived from baker’s yeast.

Viva+ contains a patented extract of saffron stigmas (affron®), five B-vitamins, iodine, and vitamin C. Protect+ also contains vegan vitamin D3 and C, with the supporting 1-3, 1-6 beta glucans.

Skin Serum

The 24-Hour Serum is also registered by The Vegan Society. It intelligently approaches aging, systematically targeting the extracellular matrix (ECM), the fine mesh of microfibers, including the compounds collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.

The Skin Serum achieves this through a range of active ingredients, such as 1-3, 1-6 beta glucans, copper heptapeptide, and beta carotene. The Skin Serum is paraben- and fragrance-free, with its natural active ingredients, like squalene, olive polyphenols and copper heptapeptide, giving it a natural aroma. After extended use, the beta carotene creates a golden glow that mimics that of a healthy diet and lifestyle.

No-harm products, the Vegan Trademark

These Zinzino products have a ‘do no harm’ philosophy, meaning they don’t use animal ingredients and are not tested on them, nor are they genetically modified. As a society, we know too much to go backwards. We all can make an effort to upgrade to ethical vegan products that aren’t damaging to humans, animals or the environment. Cruelty-free, in every respect.

Start to bring your body into balance. Take the BalanceTest and use BalanceOil+ Vegan daily to harmonize your insides. Re-test your Omega-6:3 ratio in 120 days and see the difference in your fatty acid profile. 

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

1. DHA and EPA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood pressure

DHA und EPA tragen zum Erhalt des normalen Blutdrucks bei. Die Angabe darf nur für Lebensmittel verwendet werden, die eine Tagesdosis von 3 g EPA und DHA enthalten. Um die gesundheitsbezogene Angabe tragen zu dürfen, muss der Verbraucher die Information erhalten, dass sich die positive Wirkung bei einer Tagesdosis von 3 g EPA und DHA einstellt. Wenn die Angabe auf Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln und/oder angereicherten Lebensmitteln verwendet wird, muss der Verbraucher die Information erhalten, dass die ergänzende Tagesdosis von 5 g EPA und DHA kombiniert nicht überschritten werden darf.

2. DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision

DHA trägt zur normalen Funktion der Augen bei. Die Angabe darf nur für Lebensmittel verwendet werden, die mindestens 40 mg DHA pro 100 g und pro 100 kcal enthalten. Um gesundheitsbezogene Angaben machen zu können, muss der Verbraucher die Information erhalten, dass sich die positive Wirkung bei einer Tagesdosis von 250 mg EPA und DHA einstellt. Die Aufnahme von Docosahexaensäure (DHA) trägt bei Babys bis zu 12 Monaten zur Entwicklung eines normalen Sehvermögens bei. Der Verbraucher muss die Information erhalten, dass sich die positive Wirkung bei einer Tagesdosis von 100 mg DHA einstellt. Wenn die Angabe auf Folgenahrung verwendet wird, muss das Lebensmittel mindestens 0,3 % der gesamten Fettsäuren als DHA enthalten.

3. Vitamin D contributes to immune system

Vitamin D trägt zur normalen Funktion des Immunsystems bei. Die Angabe darf nur für Lebensmittel verwendet werden, bei denen es sich zumindest um eine Vitamin-D-Quelle im Sinne der Angabe Vitamin-D-QUELLE handelt, wie im Anhang zur Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1924/2006 aufgeführt ist.

4. Beta-Glucane tragen zur Erhaltung des normalen Blutcholesterinspiegels bei

Beta-Glucane tragen zur Erhaltung des normalen Blutcholesterinspiegels bei. Die Angabe darf nur für Lebensmittel verwendet werden, die mindestens 1 g Beta-Glucane aus Hafer, Haferkleie, Gerste, Gerstenkleie oder aus Mischungen dieser Quellen pro quantifizierte Portion enthalten. Um die gesundheitsbezogene Angabe tragen zu dürfen, muss der Verbraucher die Information erhalten, dass sich die positive Wirkung bei einer Tagesdosis von 3 g Beta-Glucanen aus Hafer, Haferkleie, Gerste, Gerstenkleie oder aus Mischungen dieser Beta-Glucane einstellt.

5. Replacing digestible starches

Das Ersetzen verdaubarer Stärke mit resistenter Stärke in einer Mahlzeit trägt zur Senkung des Anstiegs des Blutzuckerspiegels nach dem Essen bei. Die Angabe darf nur für Lebensmittel verwendet werden, bei denen verdaubare Stärke durch resistente Stärke ersetzt wurde, sodass der endgültige Gehalt von resistenter Stärke mindestens 14 % der Gesamtstärke beträgt.