Johan Schei
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Morning smoothies that make a difference
If the past few years have taught us anything, it’s to value our health. Our biggest asset that cannot be taken for granted and should be invested in, every day. But, in today’s fast-paced world where a lot is expected from us, it’s not always easy to prioritize our physical wellbeing.
Follow the ultimate Health Protocol smoothie
There are no shortcuts when it comes to good health but there certainly are creative ways to sprinkle more goodness into your days. Your morning smoothie is just one example. You can go for a standard fruit and veggie-packed smoothie, or why not use this mealtime to fuel your body with more vitamins and nutrients than it’s ever had before?
Meet your new morning kick-starter!
Here’s what you’re going to need:
- 1 cup frozen pineapple
- 1 handful frozen spinach
- 1/2 teaspoon ginger
- 2 scoops ZinoBiotic
- Your daily dose of BalanceOil
- 2-4 capsules Xtend
- 1 ½ cups coconut milk
- 1/2 frozen banana.
The recipe only takes a few minutes to throw together. In a food processor or blender, add the pineapple, spinach, ginger, and ZinoBiotic+. Next, add your BalanceOil+ and Xtend+ (just break each capsule up, so it’s in powder form). Then, pour in the coconut milk and banana.
The result? A rich, green colored smoothie that you can just tell is good for you. Pour it generously into a tall glass and get ready to feel fabulous!
The spinach aids immune cell function, ginger adds antibacterial benefits, and pineapple is loaded with antioxidants. Coconut milk and banana are flavor-introducing, low-sugar ingredients that give the smoothie its body and smoothness.
Give a special hand to the three hero ingredients that make this smoothie a morning must-do if you’re serious about living well.
The three hero ingredients: BalanceOil, ZinoBiotic & Xtend
The vast majority of people are living with an off-balance Omega-6:3 ratio. In other words, as a society, we’re consuming too much Omega-6 and not enough Omega-3.
BalanceOil+ aims to change this, within 120 days of taking the first daily dose. BalanceOil+ AquaX combines Omega-3 olive oil which provides Omega-9, antioxidants and Vitamin D3. With 15 EFSA-approved health benefits, there’s no better way to start your day than with BalanceOil+.
But the benefits don’t stop there. The serving of ZinoBiotic+ introduces a blend of eight natural dietary fibers1. Metabolized in the colon, it helps to aid the healthy bacteria, while also reducing blood sugar spike2, promote ‘happy’ bowels3, and good cholesterol4.
And how about topping it all off with an advanced immune and nutritional supplement that contains micro and phytonutrients, 22 essential vitamins and minerals, and purified 1-3, 1-6 beta glucans?
Xtend supports a normal, energy-yielding metabolism5, improves bone and joint functions6, and contributes to a healthy immune system7. This is why putting Xtend in your morning smoothie is the easiest way to get all your essential nutrients, without having to eat in excess.
The Health Protocol smoothie is a delicious, naturally sweet, wellbeing-boosting breakfast that’ll set you up for the day… and years with more life in it.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
2. Replacing digestible starches
Nahrazení stravitelných škrobů rezistentním škrobem v jídle přispívá k omezení nárůstu hladiny glukózy v krvi po tomto jídle. Tvrzení smí být použito pouze u potravin, v nichž byl stravitelný škrob nahrazen rezistentním škrobem tak, že konečný obsah rezistentního škrobu činí nejméně 14 % celkového obsahu škrobu.
4. Beta glucans blood cholesterol levels
Betaglukany přispívají k udržení normální hladiny cholesterolu v krvi. Tvrzení smí být použito pouze u potravin, které obsahují nejméně 1 g betaglukanů z ovsa, ovesných otrub, ječmene, ječných otrub, nebo ze směsí těchto zdrojů v kvantifikované porci. Aby bylo možné tvrzení použít, musí být spotřebitel informován, že příznivého účinku se dosáhne při příjmu 3 g betaglukanů z ovsa, ovesných otrub, ječmene, ječných otrub nebo ze směsí těchto zdrojů denně.
7. Vitamin C contributes to the normal function of the immune
Vitamín C přispívá k normální funkci imunitního systému. Tvrzení smí být použito pouze u potravin, které jsou přinejmenším zdrojem vitamínu C podle vymezení v tvrzení ZDROJ vitamínu C na seznamu v příloze nařízení (ES) č. 1924/2006.
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