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Zdrowie • czwartek, 13 sierpnia 2020 • 4 min

Vegan sources of Vitamin D and Omega-3

By Zinzino

The plant-based diet has risen in popularity over the past few years. From health reasons and the environment, to ethics and lifestyle experimentation, there are different motivators for switching to the vegan diet. An important part of this shift is learning about Omega-3 vegan sources, as well as vegan sources of vitamin D.

For example, how do vegans get Vitamin D? And where do vegans get Omega-3?

There’s a long list of health benefits of a vegan diet, but it’s important to be aware that we don’t always get all our nutrients from food alone, due to factors like modern processing and soil depletion.

Veganism requires an overhaul of the way in which you consume your vitamins and minerals, which is where nutritional supplements become important.

Of the common nutrient shortages, Vitamin B12, zinc, iron, Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids top the list. For the purpose of this article, we’re going to focus on the last two: Vitamin D and Omega-3.

Vitamin D, the ‘sunshine’ nutrient & Omega-3

Vitamin D has a host of EFSA claims such as maintaining a normal immune system1 and aiding the process of cell division2. It’s essential to discover vegan sources of Vitamin D.

Yes, we source it naturally through sun exposure, but this isn’t always possible during the winter months. Vitamin D is also found in oily fish, red meat, and eggs – all off limits for vegans. Some examples of vegan food with Vitamin D include soy milk, mushrooms, and fortified cereals.

And then there’s the Omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for maintaining a healthy heart3 and brain4. They are building blocks for many of the body’s normal functions. Fatty fish is the most common food source, although the Omega-3 vegan sources include plants such as chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, and hemp seeds.

But how to get Omega-3 as a vegan isn’t the main issue. Many vegans simply aren’t consuming enough of it.

The all-new BalanceOil+ Vegan

Zinzino’s BalanceOil+ Vegan is keto-friendly, non-GMO, and made from naturally sourced ingredients. It’s a marine micro-algae oil (with algae health benefits) high in Omega-3’s (EPA, DHA, and DPA). It features echium seed oil that’s rich in Omega-3’s SDA and ALA, and the Omega-6 GLA. BalanceOil+ Vegan provides 2,800mg of Omega-3’s per 12ml. It wonderfully complements plant-based sources of Omega-3.

Like the original, BalanceOil+ Vegan is also an extra virgin pre-harvest olive oil, high in OA (oleic acid) and polyphenols. It’s high in Vitamin D3 that’s been derived from an organic plant source called lichen, making it a great vegan source of Vitamin D.

It’s a synergistic formula featuring 18 EFSA-approved health claims which supports the normal functions in the body. It’s a vegan source of Vitamin D.

BalanceOil+ Vegan, an Omega-3 vegan source 

This is a unique food supplement designed specifically for vegans and vegetarians. In fact, BalanceOil+ Vegan is the only vegan EPA and DHA Omega-3 product available that offers a bio-alternative to traditional fish oils. For vegans, algae oil vs. fish oil makes all the difference.

You won’t find any mixed tocopherols in this product. Zinzino uses natural, GMO-free tocopherols that do not contain any soy proteins. The echium oil also has a fantastic fatty acid profile, which helps balance the Omega-6:3 ratio.

Many vegetarian oils on the market (safflower, corn, soybean and sunflower) contain high amounts of Omega-6’s, which can throw off the ratio, unknowingly. Echium oil boasts the Omega-3 fatty acid SDA, which converts five times better to EPA in the body, compared to the plant Omega-3 ALA.

BalanceOil+ Vegan is more than an easy way to get your Omega-3’s and Vitamin D. It intelligently delivers the right blend your body needs, while successfully maintaining a vegan diet.

All your Omega-3, Omega-9 & Vitamin D3, in one daily dose

Omega-3’s and Vitamin D must be an integral part of your daily diet. For vegans and vegetarians, Zinzino’s BalanceOil+ Vegan is the most effective way to avoid deficiencies. It’s important to align with a product that’s kind to the environment, ethically sourced, and operates with a ‘do no harm’ philosophy. This is Zinzino.

Take a micro-algae supplement

Empower yourself and take health into your own hands. You don’t have to miss out on essential nutrients simply because you’re following a vegan diet. Learn about your individual fatty acid profile and re-balance your Omega-6:3 ratio by leveraging our micro-algae supplement.

It’s safe, pure, and approved by The Vegan Society. BalanceOil+ Vegan ticks all the boxes. And, you can enjoy it plain or with a natural lemon flavor.

Get your Omega-3 and Vitamin D daily intake checked off before breakfast.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

1. Vitamin D contributes to immune system

D-vitamiin toetab immuunssteemi normaalset toimimist. Väidet võib kasutada üksnes toidu kohta, mis on vähemalt vitamiini D allikas vastavalt määruse (EÜ) nr 1924/2006 lisas osutatud väitele vitamiini D ALLIKAS.

2. Vitamin D cell division

D-vitamiin osaleb rakujagunemise protsessis. Väidet võib kasutada üksnes toidu kohta, mis on D-vitamiini allikas vähemalt vastavalt määruse (EÜ) nr 1924/2006 lisas osutatud väitele D-vitamiini ALLIKAS.

3. DHA and EPA contribute to the normal function of the heart

DHA ja EPA aitavad kaasa normaalsele südametalitlusele. Väidet võib kasutada üksnes toidu kohta, mis on EPA ja DHA allikas vähemalt vastavalt määruse (EÜ) nr 1924/2006 lisas osutatud väitele oomega-3-RASVHAPETE ALLIKAS. Et toode oleks väitega kooskõlas, tuleb tarbijat teavitada, et kasulik toime avaldub siis, kui päevas tarbitakse 250 mg EPA-d ja DHA-d.

4. DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal brain

DHA aitab säilitada normaalset ajutalitlust. Väidet võib kasutada üksnes toidu kohta, mis sisaldab vähemalt 40 mg DHA-d 100 g ja 100 kcal kohta. Et toode oleks väitega kooskõlas, tuleb tarbijat teavitada, et kasulik toime avaldub siis, kui päevas tarbitakse 250 mg DHA-d. Kui ema tarbib dokosaheksaeenhapet (DHA), soodustab see loote ja rinnaga toidetava imiku aju normaalset arengut. Rasedaid ja rinnaga toitvaid naisi tuleb teavitada, et kasulik toime saavutatakse siis, kui iga päev tarbitakse 200 mg DHA-d lisaks täiskasvanule soovitatavale oomega-3-rasvhapete päevasele kogusele, milleks on 250 mg DHA-d ja eikosapentaeenhapet (EPA). Väidet võib kasutada üksnes toidu kohta, mis sisaldab päevase kogusena vähemalt 200 mg DHA-d.