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Thomas Spudic

Zinzino Independent Partner

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Sundhed • 18. september 2020 • 3 min

What to eat to promote a balanced, healthy gut

By Zinzino

Intestinal health is directly linked to the well-being of your whole body. The gut requires a balance of bacteria, which live mostly in the large intestine and part of the small intestine. It’s important to pay attention to our gut health as it goes beyond ‘regularity’ and bloating.

The digestive system is the “gateway” to other parts of the body, delivering nutrients to it. A healthy gut contains a dominance of “good” bacteria which produces butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid. These bacteria are dependent on fiber, which act as their fuel.

The gut signals to the brain through nerves and hormones, which supports overall emotional and mental health. The millions of neurons in the gut is why it’s often referred to as “the second brain.”

What are gut microbiota?

Each person has over trillions of microbial cells in the colon. This makes up an individual’s microbiota. These healthy microbiomes are the key to good health, and, through lifestyle and diet choices, you can promote a good balance.

There are factors that throw the microbiota out of balance, such as medications and environmental stressors. For a healthy gut, it’s essential to exercise regularly, reduce stress levels, ensure adequate sleep, and eat foods that are high in fiber.

The gut requires us to eat more fibers and less processed and ultra-processed foods that are typically energy-dense, high in salt, sugar, Omega-6 and saturated fatty acids with low nutritional value. Aim to consume a rich variety of fruits and vegetables, beans and whole grains, all of which are high in their own different types of fibers. A key goal to a healthy gut is diversity; eat a variety of different plants and types of fibers.

Choose foods that haven’t undergone a great deal of processing so as not to starve the “good” bacteria. However, this fiber intake isn’t always easy to obtain, and the average person does not meet the recommended fiber intake, which is why food supplements are of great importance.

Balance your microbiota with LeanShake

Just 231 calories per serving, you can source Zinzino’s fiber blend, proteins and over 25 vitamins and minerals easily with LeanShake. LeanShake is a meal replacement that helps with weight loss1, muscle gain2, and balancing your microbiome, designed to stimulate and boost the “good” bacteria (and outgrow the “bad” ones). The good bacteria contribute in many important bodily functions, such as fermenting dietary fibers, producing vitamins and educating our immune system. A healthy gut is essential for a healthy body.

LeanShake is high in fibers3 with the ZinoBiotic blend, offering more than standard options that typically only contain one or two types, which isn’t enough for our daily intake. LeanShake introduces a resistant starch blend (from corn), oat beta glucans, inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and psyllium husk fibers to the whole colon to promote several bowel functions3.

LeanShake helps improve the bacterial population in your colon, while reducing a spike in blood sugar after meals4 and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels5. It’s is free from soy, has a low glycemic load and the sweeteners and flavors are from natural sources.

With dozens of EFSA-approved health claims, LeanShake is an effective tool for losing and maintaining weight1, maintaining muscle1, and re-balancing that all-important microbiome, which is a micro-ecosystem that controls so many of the functions in our body. Hence, it’s critical we take good care of it.

LeanShake, no yo-yo, diet

LeanShake is a delicious, nutritious meal replacement that simultaneously balances your microbiota for a healthy gut. It’s an intelligent mix of vitamins and minerals that help fuel your energy and support many of the necessary functions in your body, from head to toe.

And did we tell you the flavors yet? Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla and Berry. Your gut AND taste buds will love it.

A healthy gut = a healthy body.

Click here for some delicious LeanShake recipes.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

1. Vähendatud kalorsusega dieedi raames päevas kahe toidukorra asendamine

Vähendatud kalorsusega dieedi raames päevas kahe toidukorra asendamine toidukorra toidu asendajaga aitab kaasa kaalu kaotamisele. Et toode oleks väitega kooskõlas, peab see vastama direktiivis 96/8/EÜ sätestatud spetsifikatsioonidele toitude kohta selle direktiivi artikli 1 lõike 2 punkti b kohaselt. Väidetava mõju saavutamiseks tuleks päevas kaks söögikorda asendada toidukorra toidu asendajaga.

2. Valgud aitavad kaasa lihasmassi kasvule

Valgud aitavad kaasa lihasmassi kasvule. Valgud aitavad kaasa lihasmassi säilimisele. Väidet võib kasutada üksnes toidu kohta, mis on vähemalt valgu allikas vastavalt määruse (EÜ) nr 1924/2006 lisas osutatud väitele VALGUALLIKAS.

3. Kaeratera kiudained aitavad suurendada väljaheite hulka

Kaeratera kiudained aitavad suurendada väljaheite hulka. Väidet võib kasutada üksnes toidu kohta, mis on selle kiudaine kõrge sisaldusega vastavalt määruse (EÜ) nr 1924/2006 lisas osutatud väitele KÕRGE KIUDAINESISALDUSEGA.

4. Replacing digestible starches

Seeduva tärklise asendamine söögikorra raames vähelõhustuva tärklisega aitab vähendada glükoositaseme tõusu veres pärast sööki. Väidet võib kasutada üksnes toidu kohta, milles seeduv tärklis on asendatud vähelõhustuva tärklisega nii, et vähelõhustuva tärklise lõppsisaldus moodustab vähemalt 14% tärklise kogusisaldusest.

5. Beetaglükaanid aitavad hoida normaalset vere kolesterooli taset

Beetaglükaanid aitavad hoida normaalset vere kolesterooli taset. Väidet tohib kasutada üksnes toidu kohta, mis sisaldab vähemalt 1 g beetaglükaane, mis on saadud kaerast, kaerakliidest, odrast, odrakliidest või nendest allikatest pärit segudest määratletud portsjoni kohta. Et toode oleks väitega kooskõlas, tuleb tarbijat teavitada, et kasulik toime saavutatakse, kui päevase kogusena tarbitakse 3 g beetaglükaane, mis on saadud kaerast, kaerakliidest, odrast, odrakliidest või nende beetaglükaanide segudest.