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Jens & Kamilla Stegeby

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Sundhed • 31. januar 2024 • 3 min

Sådan gavner fiskeolie og omega-3 dit overordnede velvære

ved Zinzino

Af alle de kosttilskud, der i dag er tilgængelige, er fiskeolie et af de mest brugte og vellidte. Det er særligt almindeligt blandt folk, der generelt ikke spiser mange fisk og skaldyr samt hos gravide kvinder. Alle kan dog have gavn af at tage disse kosttilskud på grund af det faktum, at kroppen ikke selv naturligt producerer de vigtige omega-3-fedtsyrer.

Fiskeolie er vigtig

Som navnet antyder, består denne olie af fedt udvundet af fiskevæv, med et højt indhold af omega-3, der omfatter EPA, DHA og DPA. Den moderne, vestlige kost indeholder mere omega-6 end omega-3, hvilket kan forstyrre det særdeles vigtige forhold mellem fedtsyrer. Fordelene ved omega-3 kan ikke fremhæves tydeligt nok, da vores krop har brug for vigtigt omega-3 for at kunne fungere normalt.

Fiskeolie er godt for kolesterolniveauet og et lavere blodtryk 

Omega-3’erne EPA og DHA bidrager også til en normal hjertefunktion1, opretholdelsen af triglyceridniveauer i blodet2 og blodtrykket3.

Udover hjertekarsundhed understøtter omega-3 opretholdelsen af normal hjernefunktion4 og syn5. Alene beskyttelsen af hjerte, hjerne og syn er grund nok til at tage fiskeolie. Med Zinzinos BalanceOil+ er der dog ingen diskussion.

BalanceOil+ er baseret på en videnskabeligt certificeret måling af ren fiskeolie, tidlig høstet ekstra jomfruolivenolie og vitamin D3 fra naturlige kilder. Dette er så meget mere end fiskeolie, da den er skabt til omhyggeligt at genopbygge kroppens omega-balance, justere og opretholde EPA- og DHA-niveauerne og beskytte cellerne mod oxidativt stress6.

Omega-3 hjælper på mere end hjertets, hjernens og cellernes sundhed

Det hjælper med at opretholde calciumniveauerne i blodet7, normale knogler8, muskelfunktionen9, tænderne10, celledelingen11 og immunforsvaret12. Endnu bedre er det, at oliesyre giver ekstra støtte til hjertet, med opretholdelsen af normale kolesterolniveauer i blodet13.

Få glæde af alle 15 EFSA-godkendte sundhedsfordele med en enkel daglig dosis BalanceOil+ (dette er baseret på en persons individuelle BalanceTest-resultater).



For at få det bedste ud af fiskeoliens sundhedsfordele, er kvaliteten vigtig

Zinzino BalanceOil+-sortimentet indeholder fiskeolie, der på en bæredygtig måde er udvundet fra små pelagiske fisk som ansjoser, sardiner og makrel, der har et højt indhold af omega-3-fedtsyrerne EPA og DHA. Produktet er certificeret af Friend of the Sea, den globale certificeringsstandard for produkter og tjenester, som respekterer og beskytter havmiljøet. Dette betyder, at fiskeolien er naturlig og testet for giftstoffer på molekylært niveau for at garantere sikkerhed, friskhed og uovertruffen renhed. Men alle rene kosttilskud med omega-3 af høj kvalitet gennemgår en raffineringsproces, som ikke kun renser fiskeolien for urenheder, men som også får polyfenolerne til at forsvinde. Disse stærke mikronæringsstoffer, der er spækket med antioxidanter, findes naturligt i olieholdige fisk og stabiliserer oxidering, optimerer optagelse i kroppen og sørger for at omega-3’erne arbejder i din krops cellemembraner.

Ekstra jomfruolivenolie optimerer optagelsen

Polyfenoler fra tidligt høstede oliven fyldt med antioxidanter er det tætteste du kan komme på dem, der naturligt findes i fisk, og Zinzino var et af de første mærker, der føjede denne ingrediens fyldt med antioxidanter til deres videnskabeligt beviste formel. Zinzino BalanceOil+-sortimentets unikke formel er en synergistisk blanding bestående af 60 % ren fiskeolie fra vildtfangede små fisk og 40 % koldpresset ekstra jomfruolivenolie med polyfenoler fra tidligt høstede oliven og omega-9.

Hver krop er forskellig, og mængden af omega-3, din krop optager, har også meget at gøre med individuelle faktorer som din vægt, din mavesyre, gentype og selv bestemte allergier. Med Zinzinos BalanceTest kan du få oplyst din unikke fedtsyreprofil og få vejledning i at vælge kosttilskud med omega-3, der fungerer med din krop. Sørg for at vælge et, som f.eks. BalanceOil+ , der er sikkert, naturligt og i serveringsdoser, som er tilpasset din individuelle fedtprofil.

* Disse udsagn er ikke blevet evalueret af the Food and Drug Administration. Dette produkt er ikke beregnet til at diagnosticere, behandle, helbrede eller forebygge nogen sygdomme.

1. DHA and EPA contribute to the normal function of the heart

DHA and EPA contribute to the normal function of the heart. The claim may be used only for food which is at least a source of EPA and DHA as referred to in the claim SOURCE OF Omega-3 FATTY ACIDS as listed in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. In order to bear the claim, information shall be given to the consumer that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of EPA and DHA.

2. DHA and EPA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood

DHA and EPA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood triglyceride levels. The claim may be used only for food which provides a daily intake of 2 g of EPA and DHA. In order to bear the claim, information shall be given to the consumer that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 2 g of EPA and DHA. When the claim is used on food supplements and/or fortified foods, infor- mation shall also be given to consumers not to exceed a supplemental daily intake of 5 g of EPA and DHA combined. DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal blood triglyceride levels. The claim may be used only for food which provides a daily intake of 2 g of DHA and which contains DHA in combination with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). In order to bear the claim, information shall be given to the consumer that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 2 g of DHA. When the claim is used on food supplements and/or fortified foods, information shall also be given to consumers not to exceed a supplemental daily intake of 5 g of EPA and DHA combined.

3. DHA and EPA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood pressure

DHA and EPA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood pressure. The claim may be used only for food which provides a daily intake of 3 g of EPA and DHA. In order to bear the claim, information shall be given to the consumer that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 3 g of EPA and DHA. When the claim is used on food supplements and/or fortified foods, information shall also be given to consumers not to exceed a supplemental daily intake of 5 g of EPA and DHA combined.

4. DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal brain

DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function. The claim may be used only for food which contains at least 40 mg of DHA per 100 g and per 100 kcal. In order to bear the claim, information shall be given to the consumer that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) maternal intake contributes to the normal brain development of the fetus and breastfed infants. Information shall be given to pregnant and lactating women that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 200 mg of DHA in addition to the recommended daily intake of Omega-3 fatty acids for adults, i.e. 250 mg DHA and EPA. The claim may be used only for food which provides a daily intake of at least 200 mg DHA.

5. DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision

DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision. The claim may be used only for food which contains at least 40 mg of DHA per 100 g and per 100 kcal. In order to bear the claim, information shall be given to the consumer that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) intake contributes to the normal visual development of infants up to 12 months of age. Information shall be given to the consumer that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 100 mg of DHA. When the claim is used on follow-on formula, the food shall contain at least 0.3% of the total fatty acids as DHA.

6. Olive oil polyphenols

Olive oil polyphenols contribute to the protection of blood lipids from oxidative stress. Replacing saturated fats in the diet with unsaturated fats contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels. Oleic acid is an unsaturated fat. The claim may be used only for olive oil which contains at least 5 mg of hydroxytyrosol and its derivatives (e.g. oleuropein complex and tyrosol) per 20 g of olive oil. In order to bear the claim, information shall be given to the consumer that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 20 g of olive oil.

7. Vitamin D calcium levels

Vitamin D contributes to normal blood calcium levels. The claim may be used only for food which is at least a source of vitamin D as referred to in the claim SOURCE OF vitamin D as listed in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006.

8. Vitamin D normal bones

Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal bones. The claim may be used only for food which is at least a source of vitamin D as referred to in the claim SOURCE OF vitamin D as listed in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006.

9. Vitamin D normal muscle function

Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal muscle function. The claim may be used only for food which is at least a source of vitamin D as referred to in the claim SOURCE OF vitamin D as listed in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006.

10. Vitamin D normal teeth

Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal teeth. The claim may be used only for food which is at least a source of vitamin D as referred to in the claim SOURCE OF vitamin D as listed in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006.

11. Vitamin D cell division

Vitamin D has a role in the process of cell division. The claim may be used only for food which is at least a source of vitamin D as referred to in the claim SOURCE OF vitamin D as listed in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006.

12. Vitamin D contributes to immune system

Vitamin D contributes to the normal function of the immune system. The claim may be used only for food which is at least a source of vitamin D as referred to in the claim SOURCE OF vitamin D as listed in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006

13. ALA contributes to normal blood cholesterol levels

ALA contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels. The claim may be used only for food which is at least a source of ALA as referred to in the claim SOURCE OF OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS as listed in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. Information shall be given to the consumer that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 2 g of ALA.