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Letta &Stelios Karantzia

Zinzino Independent Partner

Tere tulemast! Mina olen teie sõltumatu nõustaja ja juhin teid teekonnal parema tervise poole.



Suurendage oma sisemist sära

Alustage tagasiteed terve ja särava naha poole kasutades parimate toitainetega vedelat merekollageeni.



Suurendage oma sisemist sära

Alustage tagasiteed terve ja särava naha poole kasutades parimate toitainetega vedelat merekollageeni.

Ilu ei ole vaid väline

Kui teie nahk on toidetud seestpoolt, on see tugeva ja hea struktuuriga. Ja sära paistab välja.

Nahk on meie esimene kaitsebarjäär.

See on meie suurim organ ja seda peab toitma ka seestpoolt, et nahk püsiks terve, vastupidav ja särav. Tavapärased nahahoolduskreemid suudavad aidata ainult teatud piirini. 

Vananedes selle vastupavus väheneb

80% meie nahast koosneb kollageenist. See hoiab meie naha, juuksed, küüned, lihased ja liigesed tugevad ning struktureeritud. Kuid selle tase langeb kiiresti. Kahekümnendates eluaastates kaotame igal aastal 1%.

Tõstke oma kollageeni taset

Viiekümnendateks eluaastateks oleme kaotanud 1/3 oma looduslikust kollageenist. Vedel merekollageen võib aidata teil kiirendada kuiva, lõtvunud ja ärritunud naha noorendamise protsessi.

Tutvuge Collagen Booztiga – täiustatud nahahooldus Norrast

Vedel merekollageen, milles on sihipäraselt lisatud imelised toitaineid, et toita nahka seestpoolt ning taastada sile, täidlane ja särav nahk. Ka teie juuksed, küüned, lihased, liigesed ja soolestik on teile tänulikud!

Collagen Boozti ülevaade

Eksperdi selgitused

Miks on Collagen Boozt vajalik?

Kiirkäivitab teie loomuliku kollageeni tootmise 10 päeva jooksul

Taastab pingul ja elastse naha püsiva noorusliku sära

Niisutab nahka, et saavutada koheselt prink ja värske välimus

Tasakaalustab soolestiku mikrobioomi, et vältida põletikku

Sobib ideaalselt teie holistilisse terviserutiini

Tellige ja saavutage tasakaalustatud keha koos seestpoolt särava nahaga. Merekollageen ja oomega-3 täiendavad teineteist suurepäraselt, et toetada seestpidiselt teie pikaajalist tervist.


Collagen Boozti Komplekt

Suurepäraste toitainete segu igakuine tellimus. See toetab teie särava keha loomuliku kollageeni tootmist. 

Ilu protokoll

Dünaamiline ning toitev kooslus, mis toetab teie naha tervist ja samal ajal võimendab oomega-3 üldiseid kasulikke omadusi.

Tervise protokoll

Sihipärased toitained, sisemise ja välimise tervise parandamiseks. Toetage oma naha, juuste, küünte ja üleüldist heaolu.

Põhineb merest saadud imelistel toitainetel

8 grammi vedelat merekollageeni arktilisest kalast, mis tagab teile tugeva ja elastse naha

120 mg niisutavat hüaluroonhapet, et saada koheselt pringim ja värskem nahk

Sigurijuurest saadud prebiootiline kiudaine tasakaalustab soolestiku tööd ja ennetab põletiku teket

Piimhappebakteritest saadud postbiootikumid stimuleerivad soolestikus heade bakterite kasvu

C-vitamiin ja lisaks 7 aktiivset koostisainet kollageeni tootmise suurendamiseks

Korduma kippuvad küsimused

Collagen is the most abundant protein (30% of the total amount of protein) in the human body. It makes up 80% of the skin and is a vital building block for skin, hair, nails, bones, ligaments and tendons. Thanks to collagen, we’re better able to move, bend and stretch. It helps our skin glow; hair shine, and nails stay strong. It prevents our skin from sagging, helps counteract bone loss, promote a healthy heart, and relieve joint pain. As we age, we produce less collagen, and it becomes harder for our bodies to replace it. By the time we reach our twenties, we begin to lose as much as 1% of the body’s natural collagen each year, and by the time we reach our fifties, we lose up to a third of it annually. That slowdown leads to external symptoms like loose skin and wrinkles, along with internal symptoms such as extended time for injuries to heal. This loss of skin elasticity leads to drier skin, more wrinkles, and problems related to the heart, skeleton, joints, and tendons.

Uuringud on näidanud, et parim viis kollageeni tootmise tõstmiseks on sihitud toitumine. Kvaliteetne kollageenilisand võib selle eesmärgi saavutamisel mängida suurt rolli. Toidulisandis sisalduv nahka pinguldav koostisosa parandab ja suurendab naha elastsust, aitab meie nahal taastuda ja paraneda ning toetab juuste tervist. Kui rääkida nahast (ja see hõlmab ka teie peanahka), siis kollageen annab sellele elastsuse ja aitab säilitada niiskustaset, et nahk püsiks prink ja täidlane. Kõik see võib mõjuda noorendavalt. Uuringud on seostanud kollageeni toidulisandeid ka tugevamate juuste ja küüntega. Sellest tulenevalt võib see lisaks sellele, et hoiab juuksed tihedad ja terved, stimuleerida ka nende kasvu. Kui nahas on kollageeni tase kõrgem, on see tervem (see tähendab, et see on pringim, elastsem ja tervema nahabarjääriga) ja kui peanahk on tervem, ei hõrene teie juuksed tõenäoliselt nii kiiresti. Seega on kollageenilisandi võtmisel palju eeliseid.

Collagen Boozt is a daily supplement, carefully formulated to support your collagen needs. Our studies find that it takes approximately 10 days to start restoring lost collagen in the body and support natural collagen production. It’s perfectly okay to carry on taking the supplement daily once the 10 days are up, but due to the high concentration of the two key ingredients, you need to be careful not to consume other products with collagen and hyaluronic acid at the same time.

Toote võtmist võite alustada alates 21. eluaastast. Pidage meeles, et see ei ole mõeldud tasakaalustatud ja mitmekülgse toitumise asendamiseks, haiguste või haigusseisundite raviks ega ennetamiseks. Enne uue terviserutiini alustamist pidage alati nõu oma arsti või muu tervishoiutöötajaga.

We strongly believe that while maintaining balance in our body, we also have to respect the balance of the planet and its resources. Using sustainably sourced, natural ingredients is essential to our brand’s core values, and all sourcing of marine ingredients in our product range have been independently assessed and certified to the highest science-based standards for sustainable fishing.

Friend of the Sea (FOS) and the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) both follow highly rigorous certification processes and offer globally recognized sustainability standards for products that respect and protect the marine environment by supporting a balanced ocean ecosystem. We have been a certified member of FOS since 2018. This certificate has a strong focus on multiple sectors within the seafood industry, including fishmeal and fish oil products. The blue MSC eco-label is primarily focused on wild fisheries to ensure that the product is fully traceable and wild-caught, using fishing activities that do not deplete fish populations and meet rigorous sustainability standards with minimized environmental impact.

Collagen Boozt features a thoughtfully crafted blend of primarily natural ingredients, chosen with a dual focus on taste and quality. By incorporating the synthetic ingredients; ascorbic acid, biotin, zinc, copper and potassium sorbate, we are able to create a stable, safe, and highly bioavailable product within a small serving size.

Collagen supplements are made with collagen peptides typically derived from animal protein from sources like fish, cows, chickens and pigs, making them unsuitable for vegans. While there has been progress in creating vegan collagen using genetically modified yeast and bacteria, there is limited research on its effectiveness. Collagen boosters with ingredients like vitamin C, zinc, and plant-based proteins can support the body’s natural collagen production, but they may not provide the same concentrated results as animal-based collagen supplements.

Collagen Boozt is naturally flavored with black cherry. We wanted a flavor profile that is tolerable and appealing to many while masking the taste of the marine collagen peptides. Please consult your doctor or health care provider if you have any allergies to stone fruit.

Taking collagen supplements during pregnancy or while breastfeeding is generally considered safe, but it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider beforehand. Collagen is a natural protein found in the body, and supplementing it can offer benefits such as improved skin elasticity, reduced joint pain, and faster recovery from pregnancy-related tissue damage​. However, there are no specific long-term studies on collagen supplementation during pregnancy or breastfeeding. There’s also a potential presence of heavy metals like mercury in marine collagen supplements. Collagen Boozt is MSC-certified, and the hydrolyzed marine collagen is sourced from traceable and sustainable wild-caught Arctic cod, pollock and haddock from the Norway region where the fisheries adhere to strict EU regulations to ensure the utmost purity of the fish oil, maintaining levels far below the established safety limits.

Collagen supplements are available in a range of different formulations, as powders, capsules and in liquid form. The collagen is primarily sourced from animal parts of cows, chickens and fish. Bovine collagen is a naturally occurring protein found in the cartilage (connective tissue) of cows, buffalo and bison. Porcine collagen comes from the bones and skin of pigs. Marine collagen is a type 1 collagen where the peptides are sourced from the bones, skin and scales of fresh, saltwater fish, primarily wild-caught cod. Recently, scientists have also been able to develop vegan collagen from genetically modified yeast and bacteria.

Only three types are the true influencers of firm, glowing skin and stronger, healthier-looking hair, and those are type I, II and III. Type I collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies (making up about 90% of our collagen) and it’s used to provide structure to our skin, tendons, ligaments and bones. Type II collagen is most abundant in cartilage and is known for cushioning joints/provide joint support. Type III collagen provides structure to connective tissues such as blood vessels/arteries, intestinal walls and skin, muscles, organs.

Collagen peptides from fish are the most bioavailable source available today, absorbed up to 1.5 times more efficiently into the body than bovine or porcine collagen. It is much like the collagen you already have in your body; the elastic substance that keeps skin taut and smooth. Additionally, marine collagen supports a more sustainable process for collagen extraction and has a reduced environmental impact. Like any collagen, marine collagen supports elasticity in your skin. But beyond just helping to smooth out wrinkles, it also adds hydration and makes skin healthier – and that means all your skin, including your scalp. When you use marine collagen for your scalp, it helps bolster the skin by adding moisture and protecting it from free radicals. Free radicals are toxins from the environment that can wreak havoc on your skin and hair. The collagen aids in keeping the scalp skin healthier, which stimulates hair growth in addition to helping keep hair thick and healthy as you age.

See mõiste viitab sellele, kui palju teie seeditud kollageenist imendub vereringesse. Kalade nahast ja soomustest pärinev mereline kollageen läbib hüdrolüüsi – puhta, ensümaatilise protsessi, mis hõlmab kollageeni lagundamist paremini seeditavateks kollageenipeptiidideks, et suurendada imendumist ja sellest tulenevalt ka tõhusust.

Kollageeni toidulisandid on peamiselt valmistatud kollageeni peptiididest (tuntud ka kui hüdrolüüsitud kollageen). Erinevalt kollageenist, mida meie keha looduslikult toodab, on kollageenpeptiidid valmistatud loomsetest valkudest saadud aminohapetest, mis hõlbustab nende imendumist vereringesse. Kollageen on läbinud hüdrolüüsi, puhta, ensümaatilise protsessi, mis hõlmab kollageeni lagundamist paremini seeditavateks kollageenipeptiidideks. See tagab maksimaalse biosaadavuse, tõhususe ja parema imendumise.

Hyaluronic acid is like collagen in that is a naturally occurring substance found in the body, in the fluid of the eyes and in connective tissues. Hyaluronic acid helps the appearance, hydration and structure of the skin, but just like collagen, our natural production of hyaluronic acid decreases as we age, leading to dryness and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. As a result, adding hyaluronic acid to your skincare routine has become increasingly popular to maintain moisture levels, retain water, keep our skin hydrated, plump, and supple. This hydrating effect also has positive health implications as dry, cracked skin can be less effective at resisting external irritants and contaminants.

Kollageen ja hüaluroonhape on võimas, dünaamiline kooslus, mis aitab parandada naha tervist ja üldist heaolu. Nende sarnased toimed võimenduvad ühes toidulisandis kombineerimisel ja annavad naha tervisele ning üldisele heaolule revolutsioonilise tõuke. On tõestatud, et nii hüaluroonhape kui ka kollageenpeptiidid suurendavad naha niisutatust, elastsust ja täidlust. Kasutades mõlema ühendi niisutavaid ja kollageeni võimendavaid omadusi, saate tõhusalt aeglustada vananemisprotsessi. Kollageen on hea peente kurdude ja kortsude vähendamiseks. Hüaluroonhape on suurepärane abiline nahaplekkide ja põletike vähendamiseks. Nende kahe kombinatsioon annab teie naha tervisele väga hea positiivse tõuke.

Prebiotics are a high-fiber food source that feeds the good, probiotic bacteria in our gut’s microflora. It stimulates the gut health properties of collagen and improves the skin barrier function. Postbiotics are the end-products produced when the probiotic bacteria consume prebiotic fibers. Postbiotics provide dual gut-skin benefits by promoting digestive health, skin hydration and moisture retention. Synbiotics is the term given to a supplement which contains both probiotics and prebiotics such as Collagen Boozt.

Searching out collagen supplements with hyaluronic acid as well as additional vitamins and nutrients offer an incredible capacity for hydration, both in the skin and throughout the body. When comparing different collagen supplements, quite commonly they will also include additional vitamins or other health compounds. There are several reasons for this, depending on the product itself and its intended effects. In some cases, products are intended to stimulate the body’s natural collagen production, in which case the addition of certain elements will help the body either create or absorb the collagen required. Vitamin C, for example, helps the body to absorb collagen.

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