Confidentia Trading GmbH Elisabeth Herb
Zinzino Independent Partner
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Fall in love with a healthier you
Whether you’re rocking it solo, coupled up in new love or have lost count of yet another Valentine’s day with your partner in crime, here’s your permission to make this Valentine’s Day all about you.
Make this Valentine’s Day all about yourself. Fall in love with a healthier you.
Forget all about the romance-laden Hallmark cards, the chocolate love hearts and candle-lit dinner dates. Take charge of your own needs this year. And if you can’t help sending the cute notes and making that romantic, home-cooked meal, let them be the icing on your Valentine’s Day cake. It is time to treat yourself to the stuff that good health is made of. And don’t worry, this is Instagram-worthy, too. Promise.
Rev up your Valentine’s day morning with a truly heartfelt smoothie.
Who says this day has to end with rubbing bellies to ease the pain of eating poorly? Not us. With this recipe in your health arsenal, you won’t even feel the need to reach for that box of chocolate. If you’re not already consuming beetroot, check it out! Packed with essential nutrients, it’s a great food to boost exercise performance. When combined with these ingredients, you’ll be looking so radiant, you won’t need a hot date to boost your confidence. Begin by adding these items to your shopping list:
- ½ small raw beetroot, diced
- 1 cup raspberries
- 1 cup strawberries
- 1 small banana
- ½ avocado
- 2 cups almond milk (or your milk of choice)
- 1 tbsp raw honey
Then, make these three hero products into a new, can’t-do-without part of your morning ritual, Valentine’s Day or not.
- A daily serving of AquaX BalanceOil (Or BalanceOil+)
- 2 scoops of ZinoBiotic+
- 2-4 Xtend+ capsules
Sprinkle the smoothie with a handful of chia seeds. For an extra Valentine’s Day feel, add two tablespoons of dark chocolate chips as a luxurious garnish.
Your very own Valentine’s Day gift that keeps on giving
BalanceOil+ AquaX is a breakthrough in Omega-3 science containing a unique natural emulsifier that dissolves BalanceOil in water and dramatically improves the taste, texture, and in many cases the absorption of Omega-3. Just mix your daily dosage of BalanceOil+ AquaX in your smoothie and experience how taste and texture of fish oil practically disappear.
Add two scoops of ZinoBiotic+ to your smoothie and taking care of the body’s ‘good’ bacteria is suddenly so much easier. This is a highly complex blend of 8 natural dietary fibers1, created to time-release metabolize in the large intestine, supporting the growth of healthy bacteria.
Xtend+ is an advanced immune and nutritional supplement created to support our immune system2 and perfectly complements BalanceOil+ and ZinoBiotic+ in your morning smoothie. Take 2-4 of these capsules with a glass of water and drink up 23 essential vitamins and minerals, micro- and phytonutrients and purified 1-3, 1-6 beta glucans derived from baker’s yeast.
Click here to see more great recipe ideas.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
2. Xtend+ is formulated
V přípravku Xtend+ najdete 1-3, 1-6 betaglukany. Studie prokázaly, že tyto výživné látky získávané z buněčných stěn vysoce purifikovaných, patentově chráněných kmenů z pekařského droždí posilují imunitní systém. K tomuto zásadnímu přínosu pro zdraví přispívá také několik sloučenin (například folát, železo, vitamín B6, měď). Kromě vitamínů a minerálů Xtend+ obsahuje také karotenoidy, xantofyly a skupinu polyfenolů získaných z různého ovoce, koření a zeleniny. Abyste získali stejné množství všech těchto živin z potravin, museli byste denně sníst více než 3 000 kalorií z těch nejvýživnějších potravin. Všechny složky obsažené v Xtend+ podporují buňky, orgány a tkáně v těle. Xtend+ je perfektním doplňkem produktů BalanceOil a ZinoBiotic, přičemž poskytuje kompletní podpůrný výživový program.
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