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Corporate governance
Corporate governance
General meetings
The nomination committee's proposal for the annual general meeting on May 27, 2024
2024年5月6日 8:00
Download16-17 The Board's resolution proposal to the Annual General Meeting of Zinzino AB (publ.) Regarding issue authorization
2024年5月6日 8:00
Download15 Beslut om riktad nyemission med betalning genom kvittning av fordran till Enhanzz AG
2024年5月6日 8:00
Download15 - Decision on directed new issue with payment by offsetting the claim to Enhanzz AG
2024年5月6日 8:00
Download17 Decision on private placement with payment by set-off of the claim to Kenneth Koh
2023年5月2日 8:00
Download17 Beslut om riktad nyemission med betalning genom kvittning av fordran till Kenneth Koh
2023年5月2日 8:00
Download18 - Decision on directed new issue with payment by offsetting the claim to Enhanzz AG.
2023年5月2日 8:00
Download18 Beslut om riktad nyemission med betalning genom kvittning av fordran till Enhanzz AG
2023年5月2日 8:00
Download19-20 The Board's resolution proposal to the Annual General Meeting of Zinzino AB (publ.) Regarding issue authorization
2023年5月2日 8:00
DownloadItem 15 - Decision on issue of warrants - incentive program for key personnel in the external sales organization
2023年5月2日 8:00
DownloadItem 16 - Decision on issue of warrants - incentive program for employees and others
2023年5月2日 8:00
DownloadPunkt 15 - Beslut om emission av teckningsoptioner – incitamentsprogram för nyckelpersoner i den externa försäljningsorganisationen
2023年5月2日 8:00
DownloadPunkt 16 - Beslut om emission av teckningsoptioner – incitamentsprogram för medarbetare med flera
2023年5月2日 8:00
Download15 Decision on issue of warrants - incentive program for employees and others
2022年5月3日 0:00
Download16 Beslut om riktad nyemission med betalning genom kvittning av fordran till Kenneth Koh
2022年5月3日 0:00
Download16 Decision on private placement with payment by set-off of the claim to Kenneth Koh
2022年5月3日 0:00
Download17 Beslut om riktad nyemission med betalning genom kvittning av fordran till Enhanzz AG
2022年5月3日 0:00
Download17 Decision on private placement with payment by set-off of the claim to Enhanzz AG
2022年5月3日 0:00
Download21 Förslag från aktieagaren Örjan Saele gällande emission av teckningsoptioner till styrelsen i Zinzino AB
2022年5月3日 0:00
Download21 Resolution from shareholder Orjan Saele regarding issue of warrants to the Board of Zinzino AB
2022年5月3日 0:00
DownloadRiktlinjer för ersättningar till ledande befattningshavare i Zinzino
2021年11月26日 0:00
Item14 Resolution on the Nomination Committee for the next Annual General Meeting
2021年4月28日 0:00
DownloadPunkt 9(b) Fördelning av de till årsstämmans förfogande stående vinstmedlen
2021年4月28日 0:00
DownloadInsider Information
The Board of Directors in Zinzino AB (publ.) has approved the Zinzino Trading policy for Leading Officials and others for Insiders in Zinzino. These comply with the Guidelines for Insiders issued by Finansinspektionen (www.fi.se).
Notifications under Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation:
Zinzino's elected auditors are BDO Göteborg AB (BDO) with Katarina Eklund as auditor in charge. Katarina Eklund is an authorized public accountant and has been Zinzino's auditor since the 2023 Annual General Meeting. Katarina Eklund has audit assignments in, among others, Amhult 2 AB (publ.) and Forsman & Bodenfors AB.
Remuneration guidelines
Remuneration and benefits for the senior executives are prepared by the remuneration committee and decided by the board of directors. Details of remuneration etc. to senior executives in the 2020 financial year are shown on page 83 (part of note 8 to the 2020 Annual Report), including any previously approved remuneration that has not yet become payable.
These guidelines cover the persons who, during the period of validity of the guidelines, are members of the Group Management of Zinzino AB (publ), hereinafter collectively referred to as “senior executives”. The guidelines shall apply to remuneration agreed and changes made to remuneration already agreed, after the guidelines have been adopted by the Annual General Meeting 2021. The guidelines do not apply to remuneration approved by the Annual General Meeting. The guidelines shall apply indefinitely, but at the latest until the 2025 Annual General Meeting.
Dividend policy
The group's dividend policy states that Zinzino shall distribute at least 50% of the net group profit flow provided the equity/assets ratio and liquidity so permit.
Nomination committee
Prior to the Annual General Meeting, the Nomination Committee shall submit proposals on the number of board members, the composition of the board, the fee of the board, the chairman of the meeting and the board, and, where applicable, proposals for the auditor and his remuneration.
At the 2021 Annual General Meeting the principles for Zinzino's Nomination Committee were decided, which will apply until they are changed by a future Annual General Meeting, as follows:
The Nomination Committee shall have three members. Among them, the chairman of the board shall be appointed to be a member of the nomination committee. The CEO or another person from the company management shall not be a member of the Nomination Committee.
Investor Contact
Greta Billing
+46 73 627 17 54
Fredrik Nielsen
+46 (0)707 900 174
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