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Zane Štelbauma

Zinzino Independent Partner

Welcome! I'm your independent consultant, here to guide you on your health journey. Let me know what you need!

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Focus on the essentials!

Our Balance concept reveals and restores your body’s vital nutrients with pure, potent and scientifically proven Omega-3. In 120 days.


Focus on the essentials!

Our Balance concept reveals and restores your body’s vital nutrients with pure, potent and scientifically proven Omega-3. In 120 days.

Our test-based, personalized nutrition put into practice

We put the future of supplements to the test

Our home health tests give you peace of mind and proof in writing that your body gets the nutrients it needs.

We put the future of supplements to the test

Our home health tests give you peace of mind and proof in writing that your body gets the nutrients it needs.

1,288,806 BalanceTests performed to date

This Valentine’s Day Will Make Hearts Flutter!

Love makes hearts skip a beat, and our exclusive offer is here to do the same.



Power your body from within

Increase your body’s Omega-3 levels and safely restore the fatty acid balance with our unique, synergistic formula.

Our Partners are always part of the package

A personal wellness consultant will be with you every step of the way. Somebody to kickstart your health journey, monitor your progress. And stay by your side until you reach your destination.

Brand Ambassadors
Wie ihre Erfahrung mit Zinzino die Karriere von Sara Hector, der olympische Goldmedaillengewinnerin im alpinen Skilauf, rettete.
10 February 2020
Zum Wohl ihrer Gesundheit: Die Wirkung von Fischöl und Omega-3
31 January 2024
Das Verhältnis von Omega-6 zu Omega-3 und warum es für die Gesundheit so wichtig ist
02 June 2020

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