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Maruta Dārzniece

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Health • 04 January 2023 • 4 min

Why go vegan? Here are the pros & cons

By Zinzino

Over the past few years, veganism has grown in popularity. There are more meat alternatives that ever before and it’s never been easier to follow a vegan diet. And, there are various reasons for the why go vegan argument.  

A vegan is someone who can’t be pigeonholed because there are different motivations for going vegan. According to The Vegan Society, this lifestyle goes beyond the conversation of animal rights as the vegan diet benefits include health, environment, and the food supply chain, too.

Why veganism?

The Vegan Society characterizes the vegan lifestyle as “a way of living which seeks to exclude, as much as possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing and any other purpose”.

Why go vegan? It’s an intent-driven way of life, with a “do no harm” ethos. Consuming whole, plant-based food is the central aspect of being vegan. To better understand vegan lifestyle benefits, it’s worthwhile to explore the relationship between food sources and the environment.

Our environment & ethics

According to The Vegan Society, the demands of meat production put a strain on the environment. They argue that crop production to feed the animals, and through to the transport system, getting these products to homes is taxing on the environment. That the crops and water required to farm plant products are drastically lower in terms of environmental impact. The why go vegan discussion also touches on how plant-based diets require less productive land.

Hence, The Vegan Society states that veganism is one of the easiest ways to reduce your personal ecological footprint.

Our health

Following a well-balanced, plant-based diet can be beneficial for our bodies. The most important part is to ensure you consume all the necessary nutrients. Deriving your nutrients from plant sources means consuming whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, all of which are full of fibers, essential vitamins, and minerals.

But it’s necessary to know that if you transition to vegan eating, it’s difficult to source all these nutrients from diet alone. You’d have to consume upwards of 4,000 nutrient-dense calories. A vegan diet that’s high in sugar and saturated fats can be just as unhealthy as any other dietary preference.

When exploring how to start a vegan lifestyle, you must look at alternative options to source these nutrients.

Helping balance the vegan diet

Following a diet that cuts out all animal products requires being meticulous about not just what’s in the food, but also how it’s been sourced and tested. Today’s food doesn’t have the same nutrient value as it did 100 years ago.

You have to keep in mind genetic modification, pesticides and the storing of food – the processes that occur behind the ingredients which get to our plates. Modern lifestyle makes you more susceptible to deficiencies, for example that of Vitamin D, simply because we’re not walking to work as much as we historically did.

In your research on how to live a vegan lifestyle, educate yourself about the daily intake you’ll need of proteins, Omega-3’s, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and calcium. These nutrients need to be substituted by plant-based sources. Food supplements are a vegan’s best friend.


Optimize your diet with BalanceOil+ Vegan

Zinzino’s all-new, natural Polyphenol Omega Balance food supplement, BalanceOil+ Vegan is designed specifically for vegans, vegetarians and people who prefer an oil high in Omega-3 which does not contain fish oil.

It’s a synergistic blend of marine micro-algae oil that supports your Omega-3 and Vitamin D levels. BalanceOil+ Vegan is high in the Omega-3’s EPA, DHA and DPA, extra virgin pre-harvest olive oil rich in cell-protecting1 polyphenols and vegan-certified vitamin D3.

BalanceOil+ Vegan is next-generation nutrition that contributes to normal heart2, brain3 and immune4 function, among other EFSA-approved health benefits. This is the only vegetarian EPA and DHA product available that introduces a bio-alternative (algae oil) to traditional fish oils.

For vegetarians and vegans, it’s important to ensure a healthy, balanced Omega-6:3 ratio, given the potential increase in processed foods, particularly when it comes to meat alternatives.

Take the Zinzino BalanceTest and optimize your fatty acid profile by using BalanceOil+ Vegan. It’s pure, GMO- and toxin-free, and there are no allergens present. Most importantly, it’s registered by The Vegan Society.

So, why vegan? It comes down to personal preference, but it’s crucial to understand how dietary changes affect the body. If you feel that the vegan lifestyle is the right thing for you, make sure you follow a healthy, balanced diet with the help of Zinzino’s vegan food supplements.

Start discovering your Omega-6:3 ratio with the Zinzino BalanceTest and start using Zinzino BalanceOil+ Vegan.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

1. Olive oil polyphenols

Oliiviõli polüfenoolid aitavad kaitsta verelipiide oksüdatiivse stressi eest. Küllastunud rasvhapetega toidu asendamine küllastumata rasvhapetega toiduga aitab hoida normaalset vere kolesterooli taset. Oleiinhape on küllastumata rasvhape. Väidet võib kasutada üksnes oliiviõli kohta, mis sisaldab vähemalt 5 mg hüdroksütürosooli ja selle derivaate (nt oleuropeiini kompleks ja türosool) 20 g oliiviõli kohta. Et toode oleks väitega kooskõlas, tuleb tarbijat teavitada, et kasulik toime avaldub siis, kui päevas tarbitakse 20 g oliiviõli.

2. DHA and EPA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood pressure

DHA ja EPA aitavad hoida vererõhku normaaltasemel. Väidet võib kasutada üksnes toidu kohta, mis sisaldab päevase kogusena 3 g EPA-d ja DHA-d. Et toode oleks väitega kooskõlas, tuleb tarbijat teavitada, et kasulik toime avaldub siis, kui päevas tarbitakse 3 g EPA-d ja DHA-d. Kui väidet kasutatakse toidulisandite ja/või rikastatud toidu kohta, tuleb tarbijat teavitada, et päevane EPA ja DHA kogus kokku ei tohi ületada 5 g.

3. DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision

DHA aitab säilitada normaalset nägemist. Väidet võib kasutada üksnes toidu kohta, mis sisaldab vähemalt 40 mg DHA-d 100 g ja 100 kcal kohta. Et toode oleks väitega kooskõlas, tuleb tarbijat teavitada, et kasulik toime avaldub siis, kui päevas tarbitakse 250 mg DHA-d. Dokosaheksaeenhape (DHA) tarbimine soodustab kuni 12-kuuste imikute nägemise normaalset arengut. Tarbijat tuleb teavitada, et kasulik toime avaldub, kui iga päev tarbitakse 100 mg DHA-d. Kui väidet kasutatakse jätkupiimasegu kohta, peab toidus vähemalt 0,3% rasvhapete üldsisaldusest olema DHA vormis.

4. Vitamin D contributes to immune system

D-vitamiin toetab immuunssteemi normaalset toimimist. Väidet võib kasutada üksnes toidu kohta, mis on vähemalt vitamiini D allikas vastavalt määruse (EÜ) nr 1924/2006 lisas osutatud väitele vitamiini D ALLIKAS.