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Reto Frei

Zinzino Independent Partner

Laipni lūdzam! Es esmu Jūsu neatkarīgais konsultants. Es būšu Jūsu ceļvedis, ceļā uz labāku veselību.

Jūsu iepirkumu grozs

Start Kit Skincare

Izvēlieties komplektu vai pievienojieties bez maksas. Partneru komplekts sniedz jums visu nepieciešamo, lai sāktu, izmēģinātu un demonstrētu produktus!
Komplekta saturs

1 Eraze Foam Cleanser

1 Boozt Cellular Serum

1 Energize Day Cream Normal/Mixed skin

1 Maximize Algae Sheet Mask

10 Zinzino Lookbook

1 Express Start

1-month access to Zinzino's GoCore App, our digital educational Partner tool with videos & audios

+ GoCore App
319,00 € Ietaupījums: 34 %
480,00 € Mazumtirdzniecības cena
(30,00 cr)
Komplekta saturs

1 Eraze Foam Cleanser

1 Vitalize Foam Softener

1 Boozt Cellular Serum

1 Visualize Ete Cream

1 Energize Day Cream Normal/Mixed skin

2 Arize Day Cream

1 Amaze Fiber Sheet Mask

2 Maximize Algae Sheet Mask

1 Energize 24h Cream - Him

10 Zinzino Lookbook

1 Express Start

1-month access to Zinzino's GoCore App, our digital educational Partner tool with videos & audios

+ GoCore App
849,00 € Ietaupījums: 33 %
1 260,00 € Mazumtirdzniecības cena
(90,00 cr)
Komplekta saturs

2 Eraze Foam Cleanser

1 Vitalize Foam Softener

2 Boozt Cellular Serum

2 Visualize Eye Cream

1 Energize Day Cream Normal/Mixed skin

2 Arize Day Cream

2 Amaze Fiber Sheet Mask

3 Maximize Algae Sheet Mask

1 Energize 24h Cream - Him

10 Zinzino Lookbook

1 Express Start

1-month access to Zinzino's GoCore App, our digital educational Partner tool with videos & audios

Full Refund Possible + GoCore App
1 169,00 € Ietaupījums: 35 %
1 806,00 € Mazumtirdzniecības cena
(150,00 cr)