Toote ülevaade
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1-kuuline ligipääs Zinzino GoCore rakendusele, meie digitaalne haridus tööriist videote ja helidega.
Zinzino GoCore AppSee on õppeplatvorm ja enesearengu tööriist.Saate ühe sõrmenipsuga juurdepääsu enam kui 1200`le innustavale audio- ja videofailile.
1. Download the App from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store
2. Click "CREATE PASSWORD" and in the next page enter your Partner ID and click "GET CODE "
3. You will receive a password reset code via email sent to the address registered under your Partner ID
4. Go back to the App, enter the code, Create a new password, log in and watch the Welcome video by Ørjan Saele
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