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Agnieszka Samuel-Wiesemann

Zinzino Independent Partner

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Su cesta de la compra

Zeal+ Rumba Rush - 10 single-serve packets

Zeal+ is a delicious high-energy nutritional solution containing a super-energizing blend of whole food concentrates plus botanical extracts that include alpinia galangal extract, taurine, green coffee extract (leaf) and guarana seed extract with natural caffeine. Like Classic Zeal, it provides the same vitamins and minerals, along with powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients – now with an extra blast of delicious clean energy! 

Content: 10 Packets per bag, 14 g (.5 OZ)

Su precio
$25.00 (Ahorras 31 %) (2.20 cr)
Precio sin suscripción