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Christos Kampouris

Zinzino Independent Partner

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XelliWater kit

Filter jug + Spare cartridge. Filtration system for the treatment of drinking water.

Premier Offer
£95.00 £63.00 (Save 34 %) (4.50 cr)
+ Subscription 6 months
Xellialka 1 pc/month
Monthly fee: £23 £16 (1.50 cr)

XelliWater Prepaid kit

Filter jug + Spare cartridge. Filtration system for the treatment of drinking water.

Premier Offer
£256.00 £159.00 (Save 38 %) (9.00 cr)
Free shipping
+ 1 free product

Product info

First delivery

XelliWater, filter jug

2 XelliAlka, spare cartridge for filter jug


XelliAlka, spare cartridge for filter jug

Pay every month, get two deliveries every other month i


XelliWater,  Filter jug

8 XelliAlka, Spare cartridge for filter jug 

Free shipping + 1 free product

XelliAlka, Spare cartridge for filter jug