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Michele Riechman

Zinzino Independent Partner

Velkominn! Ég er sjálfstætt starfandi ráðgjafi þinn, hér til að leiðbeina þér á heilsuferðalaginu þínu!

Þín karfa

Start Kit Skincare

Veldu sett eða vertu með ókeypis. Partner Kit gefur þér allt sem þú þarft til að byrja, prófa og sýna vörurnar!
Innihald pakka

1 Eraze Foam Cleanser

1 Boozt Cellular Serum

1 Energize Day Cream Normal/Mixed skin

1 Maximize Algae Sheet Mask

10 Zinzino Lookbook

1 Express Start

1-month access to Zinzino's GoCore App, our digital educational Partner tool with videos & audios

+ GoCore App
319 € Sparaðu 34 %
480 € Smásöluverð
(30,00 cr)
Innihald pakka

1 Eraze Foam Cleanser

1 Vitalize Foam Softener

1 Boozt Cellular Serum

1 Visualize Ete Cream

1 Energize Day Cream Normal/Mixed skin

2 Arize Day Cream

1 Amaze Fiber Sheet Mask

2 Maximize Algae Sheet Mask

1 Energize 24h Cream - Him

10 Zinzino Lookbook

1 Express Start

1-month access to Zinzino's GoCore App, our digital educational Partner tool with videos & audios

+ GoCore App
849 € Sparaðu 33 %
1.260 € Smásöluverð
(90,00 cr)
Innihald pakka

2 Eraze Foam Cleanser

1 Vitalize Foam Softener

2 Boozt Cellular Serum

2 Visualize Eye Cream

1 Energize Day Cream Normal/Mixed skin

2 Arize Day Cream

2 Amaze Fiber Sheet Mask

3 Maximize Algae Sheet Mask

1 Energize 24h Cream - Him

10 Zinzino Lookbook

1 Express Start

1-month access to Zinzino's GoCore App, our digital educational Partner tool with videos & audios

Full Refund Possible + GoCore App
1.169 € Sparaðu 35 %
1.806 € Smásöluverð
(150,00 cr)